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華南理工大學 South China University of Technology


  ‘Double First Class’ University

- 全國理工類排名第7
  7th BESTPolytechnic University in China 


- 大學簡介Introduction:


The South China University of Technology (SCUT) is one of the leading educational institutions in China. It is a public research-intensive university directly governed by the Chinese Ministry of Education.


- 特色/優勢Features:

1995年通過“211工程”部門預審,進入國家面向21世紀重點建設的大學行列;2001年進入國家高水準大學建設“985工程”行列; 2013年1月,入選《中國大學評價》的“中國一流大學”行列;2016年在“世界大學學術排名”中,整體進入300強,工科領域排名躍升至全球22。輕工技術與工程、食品科學與工程、城鄉規劃學、材料科學與工程、建築學、化學工程與技術、風景園林學等學科整體水準進入全國前十位。化學、材料學、工程學、農業科學、物理學、生物學與生物化學、電腦科學、環境科學與生態學、臨床醫學9個學科進入國際ESI全球排名1%

In 1995, SCUT was listed in “Project 211”, a Chinese endeavor aiming to strengthen top higher learning institutions as a national priority for the 21st century. Then in 2001, SCUT was approved to be a member of “Project 985”, which at the time was the country's most significant educational project for funding world-class universities. In 2016, SCUT was ranked among the world’s top 300 universities by the Academic Ranking of World Universities, with its engineering faculty placed in the 22nd place. According to Clarivate Analytics’s Essential Science Indicators, SCUT has nine subject areas ranked within the global top 1%, including chemistry, materials science, engineering, agricultural science, physics, biology and biochemistry, computer science, environment and ecology, and clinical medicine.




- 報讀安排Admission:


保送 / 校長推薦計劃

School Principal’s Nomination Scheme


Scholarship Scheme


Chinese Students

- 內地部分高校免試招收校長推薦計劃的香港學生

- 教育局內地大學升學資助計:

- 經入息審查資助


- 免入息審查資助




NCS Students

- Introductory Programme to Science and Engineering

- Civil Engineering

- Material Science

- Environment Engineering

- Computer Science and Technology


- Quota: 15

- The Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme provided by the government:

- Means-tested subsidy

Eligible students who have passed a means test will receive either a full-rate subsidy of HK$15,000 or a half-rate subsidy of HK$7,500 per student per year, depending on their needs. 

- Non-means-tested subsidy    

Eligible students would receive a flat rate subsidy of $5,000 for an academic year.


- Scholarship: About 20,000 RMB