
屯馬英文辯論隊一隊於3月14日進行全港中學英文辯論比賽第二學期第一輪比賽,對賽學校為「香港真光書院」,題目為The house would ban those under 16 years old from using social media platforms,本校為正方。

🏆 結果「屯馬」同學於比賽勝出 🎊,並獲邀參加3月29-30日由香港大學辯論隊組織的精英盃賽 ,英國議會式的辯論比賽。

👏 恭喜我們優秀的辯論隊員!繼續努力,再創佳績! 🎤🔥

On March 14, Team 1 of the CTM English Debate Team participated in the first round of the second-term Hong Kong Secondary School English Debate Competition. Their opponent was Hong Kong True Light College, and the motion was:

"The House Would Ban Those Under 16 Years Old from Using Social Media Platforms." 
Our school represented the proposition side.

🏆 The CTM English Debate Team emerged victorious 🎊 and has been invited to compete in the Elite Cup Debate Tournament 🏅, organized by the University of Hong Kong Debate Team. This prestigious event will take place on March 29-30 and follow the British Parliamentary Debate format. 🇬🇧⚖️

👏 Congratulations to our talented debaters! Keep up the amazing work! 🎤🔥