靜宜大學 Providence University



大學簡介 Introduction

靜宜大學是一所位於台中市的天主教大學,女子英語專科學校起家,外語學院歷史悠久,亦是全台灣第一間化妝品科學系的大學,增設全英文授課的管理學士課程,靜宜大學著重於培養學生的國際觀,靜宜的「411 Study Abroad Program」主打4年大學學習中,有機會能出國留學1次、遊學1次,2015 – 2016年更榮獲選送學生出國研修項目教育部補助全國第一,每5名學生就有1名有留學經驗,並連續12年獲得教育部「獎勵大學教學卓越計劃」獎補助。

Providence University is a Catholic university in Taichung City, formerly as a western style language school for girls. It is the first university in Taiwan to have a department of Cosmetic Science. Its International Business Administration Program is taught in English with an emphasis on developing students’ global aspirations, its 411 Study Abroad Program gives students a chance to go abroad. In 2015-16, it received the most funding for students to study abroad from the Ministry of Education. One out of five students have experience studying abroad. It has received funding from the Program for Promoting Teaching Excellence Universities from the Ministry of Education for twelve consecutive years.


特色/優勢 Features

教學品質及學術聲望 Teaching quality & reputation

  • 連續十二年榮獲教育部「獎勵大學教學卓越計劃」獎補助
    Received funding from the Program for Promoting Teaching Excellence Universities from the Ministry of Education for twelve consecutive years

  • 教育部「學海計劃」:海外學習與實習計劃補助全國第一(2016)
    Received the most funding for overseas study and internship programs from the Ministry of Education in 2016


國際交流與合作 International cooperation

  • 全台灣唯一「國際交換學生計劃」(ISEP)會員
    The only university in Taiwan participating in the ISEP program

  • 學生到海外留學,姊妹學校多達200間
    More than 200 sister schools for overseas studies


大學成就及肯定 Accomplishments & recognitions

  • 「《1111人力銀行》雇主最滿意大學」:教育/政府/體產業上第五名(2016)
    Fifth place for the Education/Government Sector out of 1111 university ranking for the highest employer satisfaction ratings in 2016


全英文授課課程 All courses are taught in English

  • 寰宇管理學士學位學程為全英文授課
    International Business Administration Program is taught in English.

  • 與國外大學簽訂學聯學制合約,學生得以選擇攻讀「雙學士學位」或是 「學士及碩士雙學位」
    According to agreements with overseas universities, students can choose double Bachelor’s degree or Bachelor’s- Master’s double degrees



報讀安排 Admission

保送/校長推薦計劃 - 獎學金 School Principal’s Nomination Scheme - Scholarship Scheme

學生一經錄取,第一年免學費, 第二至四年按成績發放。

Full tuition waived for the first year once admitted
(2nd – 4th Year: Tuition remission % released depending on the academic results)



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