VEX IQ機器人「百發百中」線上比賽 (亞洲機械人聯盟主辦)VEX IQ Robotics Online Competition Pitching In (Organized by Asian Robotics League)

2021年莞台港澳青少年科技教育交流活動旨在激發莞台港澳青少年對科技創新的興趣和熱情,挖掘其創新思維和創造力,以及加深彼此間的交流和友誼。我校有幸獲邀為香港代表參加VEX IQ機器人「百發百中」線上比賽,與來自澳門的澳門浸信中學、台灣的東莞台商子弟學校及東莞的東莞東城實驗中學的代表競技。面對來自兩岸三地的對手,我校師生充分發揮團隊合作精神,張同學憑藉冷靜機智巧妙運用策略令對手失分,再加上呂老師因應同學表現為機械人調整為最佳狀態,最終在師生同心協力下勇奪亞軍。

2021 Dongguan-Taiwan-Hong Kong-Macau Youth Technology Education Exchange aims not only at developing young people’s interest and passion towards technology innovation but also unleashing young creative minds and furthering communication and friendship between the students. We are honored to represent Hong Kong contending against Macau Baptist College, Taiwan Businessmen's Dongguan School and Dongguan Dongcheng Experimental School in VEX IQ Online Robotics Competition. Faced with fierce competition, our student Cheung calmly utilized techniques to win strategically that outperforms the opponents. To excel students’ performance, our teacher Mr. Lui modified the robot to the best conditions in real time. With concerted effort, our team won the first runner-up.


比賽日期 Date: 2021-11-27

舉辦地點 Venue: 明愛屯門馬登基金中學禮堂 Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School Hall

負責老師 Teacher-in-charge: 呂巧謙 Lui Hau Him, 李勳庭 Lee Fan Ting, 徐景康 Tsui King Hong

參賽同學 Participating Students: 1C 麥雅熙 MAK NGA HEI,  1C 彭瑤 PHIE YIU, 3A 張嘉諺 CHEUNG KA YIN

獲得獎項 Get Reward: 亞軍 First runner-up



-Please click HERE for the highlights of the competition-


Before the competition started, Mr. Lui drafted the tactics for the students


Mr. Lui and the students were discussing and analyzing tactics


Student Cheung spared no efforts in practicing


Mr. Lui modified the robots for students in the competition


Helpers made the final adjustment for the competition


Students are concentrated on manipulating the robot, and there is no room for loss


Student Cheung waited with bated breath for the results to be announced


Group photo of teachers and students after winning the first runner-up

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