As its name indicates, Caritas ( “Αγάπη”= “Caritas” = “Christ's Love”) strives to bear witness to the world over and be rooted where the neediest are, at the base of society, in the poorest communities, and to make itself available to render help where the need is greatest; not to dominate, not to teach, not to sit in judgment, but to give a testimony of love, to serve in charity, to animate the community process of caring and solidarity.

While fully asserting the importance of updating goals and priorities, as a Christian social services agency, Caritas should always bear in mind that it is not an end in itself, but a channel, an instrument, an agent, a movement, Its services should not merely aim at material but be an animating activity, a redeeming action and an opportunity for the promotion of human and Gospel values.

Caritas should not allow itself to be absorbed with excessive administrative preoccupations, but should rather seek to have those associated with Caritas, be they members of its staff, supporters, volunteers or partners in service sharing, grasp the full meaning of Christ's love or “Caritas” and let their lives be transformed by it. Caritas is very proud of the cornerstones of its foundation which have brought the Agency into being and is confident that these traditions will continue to guide us in meeting future challenges. The heart of these traditions is the Christian heritage, ethics and humanitarian concern which are manifested in all aspects of the work of Caritas.


Core Beliefs, Vision and Mission



To provide comprehensive quality services and development of the whole person

To build up a friendly and caring society



To help the underprivileged and the vulnerable

To encourage people to actualize their potential

To promote mutual understanding and reconciliation

To nurture a spirit of offering back to the community from which the people have benefited



To be rooted in Christian heritage

To develop human dignity

To emphasize and instill ethics and humanitarian concerns